Tuesday, August 02, 2005

'The coldest winter I ever spent was summer in San Francisco'- Mark Twain

Today my Dad, Dave and I visited Legion of Honor which is a museum (the most Rodin in the world, very little Impressionism, a beautiful Spanish ceiling), the San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers (beautiful) in Golden Gate Park and Chinatown which prides itself on being the largest Chinatown outside of Asia. Had tea at House of Nanking, which seems to be both extremely popular (queues out the door) and famous. It was also extremely good! The all-vegetarian dinner was chosen for us by the owner/founder/chef Peter Fang who after asking of if it was our first time at his restaurant proceeded to order for us! It was really good and inexpensive too. P.S. I finally got my visa for France today! What an achievement! My Mum is sending it to the USA right now (Thankx Mum) so I have it in time! Oh, this entry is titled beacuse it was so nice in Santa Rosa in the but when we arrived in San Fran the fog was in and I could have used several coats, pants and scarves! I ended up walking around the prime Golden Gate Bridge lookout with our picnic blanket wrapped around me! We picniced in my Dad's truck because of the cold and froze in Chinatown! I will be prepared tomorrow when we go back (you watch, it will be hot and sunny and I will end up sweating in all my layers...lol).


Anonymous said...

Hello Cara!
Wow you've been a busy lady! It's geen great hearing about all the cool places you've been too so far! (The food sounds fantastic my mouth is watering...) And you have so many fond memories to look back as you travel it sounds like its making this trip that much more special for you!
Live it up
Hugs from EMILY

Anonymous said...

I sounds like the weather there can be almost like good old Melbourne, winter one day, and then summer the next.