Wednesday, February 08, 2006

PHOTOS!!! (finally)

So here I am in Sestriere!

YEAH. So I have not posted for ages and hence thetre oh so too much to tell!

So here's what you all missed:
My friend Dave came tro visit me before I left Lyon as did my freind Lisa form uni and her brother Mark. We all had heaps of fun together as there was a bit of overlap in their visits and spent time laughing together. It was great to see Lisa again and chat to her! We laughed and laughed and laughed so hard with her brother Mark about all sorts of things. Mark and Lisa have the same smiles and happiness. Good for the soul. Lisa and I pulled an all nighter talking and enjoying eachothers company the night before she left....was absolutely stuffed the next day!

I left Lyon in the afternoon of Sunday Jan 22nd. I took the bus to Part Dieu with way way way to much stuff (almost physically impossible to carry) as I thought there were things I could use in Sestriere as I had NO idea what was in my appartment or what I needed for work. Shaggy's business partner picked me up from the train in Oulx and brought me up the mountain to Sestriere. I met the staff at dinner at 'The Cavern' (the resturant). I get free meals when the cavern is open. For the Olympics I am working mainly there.

So my appartment is at the top of Sestriere. It is older and has a bit of a brown and white 70's thing going on. When I arrived I lived with Helen (British) who is nicked named H and Taharni (Aussie). The owrds lazy pigs spring to mind but to be fair they has their reasons (overworked, underpaid, lazy, unhealthy...ya know). The appartment was filthy and disorganised and they spent their entire existences sleeping, complaining and drinking. There was no food in the house.

So I have new room mates now who are great and I am working too hard and being under paid but there is nothing for it if i want to stay here for the olympics and see all that jazz. I have decided my aim in life here is to meet new fantastic people and collect as many pins as possible. So far not doing too bad on either front. I have like 20 pins so far! I know its sad but they are pretty cool and i wasnt even going to collect but now I am sucked in!

It is pretty cold at times but i dont even notice it anymore! Amazing. Okay sometimes I notice it. LIke the other day when it was -13.5. That was a bit nippy and the wind chill factor was even more comforting! Whe I get back in June to Melbourne winter i am going to think it is summer!

So I have to go to work but more later! Love you and miss you all!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Long time, no blog!

I am alive.
I am working like a crazy person and being underpaid (hooray!).
I will have to write more later as there is only one internet terminal in Sestriere and so I am at a friend's house (my step dad Patrick, best friends daughter Simone ) in Cesana.
Bought a new camera so will try to take some photos and post them!
Love you all!