Friday, November 25, 2005

Congrats all 'round

HAPPY BABY! Congratulations to Gabby
& Mark on the birth of their baby girl!
Madison Coffey was born at 3am
yesterday! She was over 9 pounds, 2
weeks over due, induced and brought into
the world by caesarean. Speedy recovery
Gabby and YAY for the happy
grandparents Barbara & Kevin!I received a
call in Lyon about the news and felt very

(it’s not supposed to occur until Jan/Feb
and even then just for a week total! Cheers
to a cold winter!)



Mr David said...

Yay!! that's great news! How fun!

I am so happy for Barbara and Kevin!

Thanksgiving was fun! Today is 'black friday' when all the stores have massive sales! But I think I'm going down the keys today so I probably wont get to any!

Anonymous said...

You poor thing-snow but enjoy it.

Melbourne is being good old melbourne, hot one day then raining and cold the next-why cant it stay warm.

I am enjoying my holidays, yay i am free until feb until hopefully feb when i do my subjects, but apparently it is unlikely i will get into one, so maybe back at uni with you in second semester to do one subject-that would really suck but shit happens

Love Rhiannon

BonjourCara said...

Glad you had fun at Thanksgiving Dave or should I say T-Diddy! I would have loved to eat a big dinner with my family! Hi Family! Fingers crossed for you Rhiannon, although I wouldn't mind seeing you again at Melb Uni! (p.s. microsoft word suggests you should be called Rhino or Rhinos...why stop with one!?!) Yes Kris!!! Babies!! I can hear you saying that too! Breaking my arm in France would be suicide. They would take so long with the paper work that it would be too late to fix it! Bureaucracy! Thank you for being proud of my random events! YAY and more photos of another random dinner to come! =) xoxox