Friday, September 15, 2006

My favourite place...

Mordialloc might not be anything special to many but I love it. It is a special place....the place for sunsets, breathing in fresh air, looking out at the endless horizon and having deep conversations with my soul. I must admit that I missed it while I was away. I never found anywhere (in Europe or the States) where I could look out at the sea and feel as content. xoxoxoxo


Anonymous said...

Hey Babe,

je suis super contente de voir tes superbes photos de l'Australie et je suis degoutee de ne pas avoir ete prise a Melbourne, meme si New York c'est sympa aussi....
Moi aussi je veux sentir les odeurs de Kangourous et de terre rouge quand j'ouvre ma fenetre...ici c'est plutot des odeurs de poubelles et de la pollution sonore tout le temps.
Je veux venir te voir en Australie!!!!!!!!!! Pourquoi c'est aussi cher, F...K!

Je t'embrasse bien fort et je reviendrai souvent me ressourcer sur ton blog.

Merci pourle contatc de Nicole, j'espere que je vais reussir a l'appeler, je ne sais pas quels chiffres mettre a la place du '+'.

LOVE YOU blondy dear friend.

Frenchy Alex.

Anonymous said...

I did not know that you had a soul? The photos are very nice, it looks like around the evening? It looks very peaceful and quite, I can see why you love it there. I wish that I could walk with you there during sunset, and have a deep conversation about reality. Maybe next time I come you can show it to me. I need a place like that rihgt now. I think that everyone needs that kind of place.


Anonymous said...

haha.. i love that your dad said he didnt know you had a soul. made me laugh, its so something MY dad would say :)

michelle xx