Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Stuck in Cincinnati...

So...plans are a changin'!!

I am stuck in Cincinnati!!! I am actually technically in Kentucky as we speak at a Days in Motel! My flight was delayed and I missed my connection (with the same airline) to Buffalo, NY so everything is now set back a day and I am seeing Cincinnati tomorrow! Ohio hey!?! Good thing I have my guide book! Crazy! All part of the adventure!

Alright gotta go to Kentucky....IN KENTUCKY!!!

Cara =)


Anonymous said...

Not Fun!
Sorry to see that the gods are agaist you on this trip.
Just keep swimming


Mr David said...


is your ipod still edumacated? :P

When will you be back in sunny wine-country? That's where I would be!


Aaron T. said...

Ahhh. . .this was an adventure wasn't it? Kentucky/Cincinntti. . .two sort of sad places, but not without some charm ;-).

Blessings and good travels baby,
