Sunday, February 19, 2012

PIE-fection! har har har

Let there be pie and a Sunday afternoon and into the wee hours of Monday morning!

The pies were hot, the chefs were keen to create and the music and wine was flowing! Pie night was a great success and heaps of fun with people coming throughout the party and a non stop flow of both sweet and savory pastries! Sometimes both at once. We made and enjoyed somewhere around 50 pies! Most were cut into pieces and shared between guests so we could taste it all!

My contributions for fillings were roast vegetable with fetta, red wine sautéed mushrooms, mashed potato topping and stewed apple and peach compote! Looking forward to doing it again sometime!

Let there be vegetable smiles! Horray for deformed vegetables, this is a two for one cucumber.

Let there be pie chefs creating culinary masterpieces:
Chef Dave (and proud owner of the odd but party-tastic, pie making appliance) makes roast vegetable and goat cheese (prepared by yours truly).

Chef Nico makes spiced chicken with peas, corn and mashed potato. Chef Bec in the background who was a pie making machine later in the evening!

Chef Yiz (a CSer living in Melb) making Chinese dumpling inspired beef pies (a big hit with carnivores).

Let there be crazy narcoleptic guests!

Let there be euphoria and abounding joy over the novelty of gluten free pie!

Let there be friends from far off places!

Let there be hugs! Daniel is an amazing hugger!


YOU are invited to a PIE-A-THON!
Yes! We will be making PIES until we can make no more! Savory, sweet and
I'm sure some creations in between with the assistance of a rediscovered
Pie Maker for pastry perfection!

Your presence is most welcome this Sunday eve, February 19th from 6:00pm
until late for a PIE Party! Bring a pie filling if you're feeling creative
or something to share!


Cara =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All this talk about pies is making me hungry.
