Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Hi-ho... Hi-ho...Atop the rock we go!

Haven't had time to put more photos up yet as we just got back and I am exhausted! Here is Rhiannon and I atop Ayers Rock with 2 friends, say hello to Nic and Grace from Perth (thanks for sending the photo you gems!)! We smiled sweatily as we were puffing up the rock and they were puffing down when they spontaneously asked us to take photos with them seeing as all their photos were only of them...and whata ya know!?!...friends thereafter!


Anonymous said...

oh my god you are so funny yep me and grace are the cooleeest you must be buggered!! haha now i can read about your life and stalk you!!

Anonymous said...

You look cute in your pink hat! Rhiannon does not look bad ether! I love the colour of the sandstone, it is so red.